
March 4, 2023

Cheating nature successfully!

Cheating nature successfully!

As one ages, the battle  to keep young  becomes a bit daunting.  The grey hair keep increasing, so are the frown lines and chin whiskers! 

A look at the expensive anti-ageing potions that crowd the bathroom shelves leaves you wondering if there couldn’t be a less expensive and fiddly alternatives.

Well, there are!  Beauty experts have offered tips on inexpensive and easily available beauty treatments we should be using to turn back the clock.  Below are some of them.

HAIR:  The problem?  You take specialised vitamins, but your hair still greying, lank and dull.

The Solution?  If you smoke, quit.  Smokers are four times more likely to go grey.  Eating foods high in omega-3 fatty acids like walnuts and salmon, will improve scalp health and make your hair more glossy. 

Finally, slather your hair in mayonnaise, wrap in a warm towel for 20 minutes, then rinse.  This DIY mask gives great gloss.

EYES:  The Problem?   Puffy eyes and deepening crow’s feet.  And no matter how much you sleep, you get black bags that could rival a bin-mans.

The Solution?  A gentle massage can be a great de-puffer.  Place a ring finger in the corner of each eye (nearest your nose) then rotate then to the outer corners.  Or put two cotton pads in full-fat milk ring them out, then put them on your eyes for 20 minutes.

The amino acid in milk have anti-inflammatory properties.  Recurring dark circles could be a sign of wheat intolerance – cut it out and see if you notice a difference.  Tackle five lines with an egg-white face mask.  Apply it to your face, let it dry, then wash off with warm water.  It’ll tighten skin and make wrinkles less pronounced.

SKIN:   Problem?   It’s dry, patchy, and in need of TLC.  You’re noticing more lines around your month too.The Solution? 

Grapes, pears and plums are high in sorbitol – which attracts water.  A face mask made from these fruits will help your skin retain moisture.  Also drink water from a glass. Glugging from plastic bottles encourages lines to form round the mouth.

TEETH:   The problem?  Your yellowing teeth put you off bearing your teeth.  However, research shows that smiling faces look two years younger than their real age.

The Solution?   Whitening the toothpastes, strips and tra…are all well and good, but these are natural ways to brighten your smile.  Before brushing, swill a table spoon of coconut oil round your mouth, making sure to push it between your teeth for 10-15 minutes.

The lauric acid in the oil destroys bacteria found plaque that can make your teeth yellow.

What Is Your Body Telling You About Your Health?

Ehin, listen to your body – it might be trying to tell you something.

Hair: If you’re fit and healthy, your hair will be shiny and strong.  If it’s a bit fluffy, you could be lacking magnesium – found in spinach, nuts and seeds.

If it’s lank, dry or thin, then you could have an underactive thyroid gland, which can leave you tired and weak.  Too much hair on your face could be a sign of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which can cause fertility problems.  Visit your doctor for tests.

Skin:  If your skin is dry and flaky you must be dehydrated – especially if, when you pinch it, it takes a while to return to normal.

Look out for coloured scaly spots, about the size of a small coin, on your face, hands, upper chest and back.  This may be Actinic Keratosis – Precancerous growth.  If you find any, see your doctor. 

Also, watch out for any new moles or moles that have changed shape or colour – These could be malignant melanomas (skin cancer). 

Severe itching, or a scab that won’t heal can also be warning signs, so visit your doctor to get them checked out.

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