
January 25, 2023

Dear Bunmi, are my friends selfish not to help?

Dear Bunmi, are my friends selfish not to help?

Because of the type of friends I keep, and our life-style, I’m in terrible debt.

I have a thriving business and it’s not that I spend a lot on myself per se.

But I’ve run up huge debts trying to keep up with the various aso-ebi I bought for my friends’ numerous social engagements.

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As things are, I don’t even have my rent which is due soon and I haven’t got a clue how I’m going to survive.

Thanks to the months of lockdown due to the Covid virus, my business is also suffering.

A lot of my friends know how bad things are but they have refused to help me when I asked for financial help from them.

I was always very generous with them.  I can’t believe they’re being so selfish.

Mandy, by e-mail.

Dear Mandy,

It seems to me as if you’re very laid-back about money.

 The good side of that is you’re generous to your friends. The bad side is it means you let your spending get out of hand.

Your friends are obviously much more careful about money and don’t indulge in every aso-ebi, as you do and they don’t lend money to others.

It’s nothing personal, it’s just the way they are, in the same way as you’re easy come, easy go.

 And for all you know, your friends too might be having their financial crisis due to the after-effect of the lockdown.

Don’t feel too bad about your friends.  Instead, ask them to help you learn how to budget so this situation doesn’t occur in future.

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