
January 19, 2023

Dear Bunmi, is this contraceptives method fullproof?

Dear Bunmi, is this contraceptives method fullproof?

When my boyfriend and I have sex, he always withdraws at the last moment.

But I’ve heard that I can still get pregnant this way.

Read Also: Dear Bunmi, he won’t have sex after surviving prostate cancer

We don’t use condoms and I’ve worried that I might be expecting because of what we’ve been doing.

Anita, by e-mail.

Dear Anita,
Interrupting sexual intercourse in this way is one of the oldest and simplest ways of reducing the risk of pregnancy.

Yet it’s hugely unreliable.

A man expels tens of millions of sperm every time he has sex. Just one escaping before he withdraws is enough to fertilise an egg, and make you pregnant.

The use of condoms protects a woman against not only pregnancy, but also disease.

Please use them and do not rely on any other person to take care of your sexual health.

As ejaculation nears, a man surrenders all control. At that critical moment, your well-being is irrelevant to his needs.

Next time he tries this method on, bring out a condom that you have at the ready!

In the meantime, get a pregnancy test kit from the chemist to find out if you’re pregnant.

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