
Dear Bunmi, I feel like leaving without letting him know

Dear Bunmi, I feel like leaving without letting him know

I’m currently on the lookout for a new place, then move all my stuff out. By the time he comes home, I’ll be long gone and it will be as if I was never there, and I will never have to speak to him again. Am I being mean?
Visible Articles 5 10 15
She didn’t intentionally bite off his ‘thing’

She didn’t intentionally bite off his ‘thing’

Biting off her husband’s “thing” is not right, but my daughter Sa’adatu is just exhibiting the traits of a young girl who hasn’t seen the world. She is not an evil child. She is just foolish!

Payback time for a husband snatcher!

Payback time for a husband snatcher!

By Candida Chances of remarrying after a divorce might be slim; but some women are so lucky they even have third chances!  A few weeks ago, Debbie, a once distraught wife, who has now got the hang of living with the intricacies of her husband’s shenanigans came to the house looking radiant.   “Would you […]

Payback time for a husband snatcher!

Payback time for a husband snatcher!

By Bunmi Sofola Chanches of remarrying after a divorce might be slim; but some women are so lucky they even have third chances!  A few weeks ago, Debbie, a once distraught wife, who has now got the hang of living with the intricacies of her husband’s shenanigans came to the house looking radiant.  “Would you […]

Dear Bunmi, I miss my daughter so much

Dear Bunmi, I miss my daughter so much

My 24-year-old daughter was lucky to be offered a well-paid job in the telecoms firm where she had her youth service. Now she’s got a flat she shares with her friend of many years.  Read Also: Dear Bunmi, is this contraceptives method fullproof? We’ve always been close, as she’s my only child. Her leaving has […]

Dear Bunmi, are my friends selfish not to help?

Dear Bunmi, are my friends selfish not to help?

Because of the type of friends I keep, and our life-style, I’m in terrible debt. I have a thriving business and it’s not that I spend a lot on myself per se. But I’ve run up huge debts trying to keep up with the various aso-ebi I bought for my friends’ numerous social engagements. Read […]